Date for   Saturday, October 6, 2018 8:00:00 AM - Saturday, October 6, 2018 6:00:00 PM

5 Steps to Having a Difficult Conversation

The words “Diversity and Inclusion” often provoke animosity and disparity in the workplace. Phrases and labels that are meant to be positive and describe people and workplace issues often have the opposite affect and instead produce division and isolation. But how do we resolve disparity in the workplace and have productive conversations? How do we correct our approach and stop alienating each other? We seek open and productive dialog involving often competing viewpoints, yet sensitive topics are met with kid gloves when they require compassion and balance. We must replace the apathy of tolerance with the empathy of understanding. We need to learn how to navigate difficult conversations, avoid their divisive triggers, and restore collaboration and unity. Attend this session to better understand the multi-facets of highly effective communication. Learn the 5 steps to having a difficult conversation and how these conversations can help you manage and work within diverse teams. We will also discuss how to incorporate unity, collaboration, and mentorship into your work.


Soft Skills

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Christina Aldan


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